Voice Requirements
The Ladies Chorus sings in three and four part harmony: 1st Soprano, 2nd Soprano, 1st Alto and 2nd Alto (SSAA). Opportunities are offered frequently to perform in small ensembles as well as singing with the full chorus.
Ability to play other instruments may also be used in performances at the discretion of the director.
Membership Requirements
How Do I Join?
Contact us at westottawaladieschorus@gmail.com to arrange an audition.
Auditions are informal, gentle and scheduled with the music director. (Auditions are booked through the director.)
Practice Times
Sunday — 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Stittsville United Church
6255 Fernbank Road, Stittsville
Extra practice to be determined by Director
Altos 1 and 2
Soprano 1
Soprano 2.